
nerdDoro Parallax Spinneret Design Contest Entry

Edit: Ohh My! :-) I won honorable mention in the contest! What fun. Too cool. happy jeffa, happy happy!


See all the winners here.


Hello pictured above is yours truly the author Jeff Albrecht holding my nerdDoro prototype entry for the Parallax, Inc. 2011 Spinneret Web Server Design Contest.

Jeffa Nerding Projects

Power over other Pairs

Power over other Pairs (PooP – perhaps the second o is silent)

I’m working on a project I’ve entered into Parallax, Inc. Spinneret Design contest. The first thing I need to accomplish after ordering and receiving the parts from Parallax is to create power for the Spinneret. Hello World on my Spinneret will have to wait for me to create a power supply and delivery method.




Power over other Pairs

This post is like starting out so Wrong! It’s supposed to be about a project I’m working on delivering power over twisted pair Ethernet. I’m having a difficult time leaving the following in what is meant to be a technical post about a project that I’m seriously working on. So perhaps it was just to blow off some steam I Bingled poop and the first Youtube was a riot. A potty training cartoon spoken in what I assume is the Japanese language, then the same video with fake English sub titles. I was stuck in Youtube for awhile…