
I’m Glad I’m Sad

(November 2009)

I’m so sad, but no I’m glad. I’m glad I know I’m sad!

Without sad how can I be glad?

Without glad nor sad a bland grey world would be quite so boring.

But I wouldn’t know it. I’m glad I’m sad. But wait, I’m glad!

Through life born bawling might be brawling

learn to crawl to learn to walk we may run from here or run to there.

We often all may stumble then choose to take our lumps and live

I’m sore from lumps, I thought I’d try a birth again.

Bawling not brawling crawled again, now walking perhaps I’ll run to leap and soar!

I’m glad I stumbled! I know I’m sore, perhaps I’ll soar.

– jeffa

Back2School Jeffa

Attending SCC FQ09

In addition to the ceramics class I’ll be attending at SFCC, I’ve bit off a larger chaw by way of the Center for Entrepreneurship. I’ll be attending classes Monday through Wednesday and an occasional Thursday learning how to, and developing a business plan for a new venture of mine. More about that later.

The first day was interesting. Already have an assignment and due date. Looks like there will be a lot of work in this program, and certainly the more I put in the more I get out. I’ll need to be diligent in focusing on the goal of working this program. I already find it a bit sad that I don’t think I’ll have any spare time to pursue some of my nerdy interests namely a new programming language and environment I’ve just gotten hooked on: Ruby on Rails.

Gota keep it in perspective though. My left and right brains. In that light I’m very much looking forward to the ceramics class I’m enrolled in at SFCC on Tuesday and Thursday nights. First class tomorrow night! :-)

Short post I know, but I’m trying to get in the habit of keeping up with the blogging that I’ve indicated or implied I will do here at RODAW.

ok well c ya later…. – jeffa

Back2School Jeffa

Registered FQ09

I’m registered at SFCC for one class in Fall 2009

I’m registered and all paid up for ART 205 Ceramics. Tuesday and Thursday from 1830 – 2130.

I tried to get into the flight school, and was accepted but I’m already one week behind. Classes for the flight instruction have an early start for the fall semester to beat the winter weather conditions. I’ve got a medical exam scheduled for 9am tomorrow. I need a certified copy of my Birth Certificate before I can take flight instruction. I’d be starting the ground school and Meteorology class at least six days late. And it will take about $800 tuition plus approximately $10,000.00 for the flight instruction costs. I just got a loan funded to finish reconstruction on some rental property of mine. I think I can manage the expense considering that I should have the project completed and rented out in less than two months. However with the uncertainly of the finances, and definitely dipping into my reserves that coupled with the late start I believe I’ll defer the flight school until spring.

I need to exercise my creativity as well as my nerd. So I’ll ease back into a school schedule with some artistic creativity, I hope that’s what I’ll develop a bit of at least! :-) I have my first project all planed. An imprint of my hand for my mom at Christmas! weeee…..

rodaw, – jeffa


Lawn, Dog, Hole, Grass – Yike!

Hello there, how ya all?

So I have this dog, named Sampson. IMG_0268 (You can click on any of the images in this post to expand) And a back yard. And I had a roommate many years ago that had a dog, Yukon. Both dogs had several things in common, one of which is digging holes in the yard. My dog doesn’t dig as many as Yukon did. And I’m just getting around to filling the holes and replanting grass. Yes some of the holes are four years old.

So about a week ten days ago I filled in the holes and spread some grass seed. The next day Sampson grabbed the 3/4 full bag of seed and tore it apart in the back yard. Not a very even distribution of the seed. Anyway I rake the seeds around and pick up handfuls of them and spread them into the back yard as best as possible. The yikes!:  IMG_0248

I watch the ground where I planted the seed every day waiting for the cool little miracle of growth. Sampson digs up this one and apparently only hole he’s interested inIMG_0253 where I had planted a lot of seed. It was the third largest patch to be reseeded in the entire land mined back yard. He waits until the little seedlings are just starting to sprout about eight days into the project.   He’s so cute,IMG_0273 how can you stay mad at him? While I’m working on this project to get the hole filled in, and grass planted he wants to play. He’s all happy and such.   He actually does this right in front of me. I had just picked up the camera to get the cute adorable shot when he starts digging the hole up again! IMG_0276Right in front of me! (See yikes! above)

Can you believe it? I mean really? I’m asking you! Can you believe it? This is like less than two minutes after the cute photo!

Alright anyway…. So I fill in the hole AGAIN! pack down the dirt, a lesson I learned from having not done that the first time around. Now I have sunken depressions of grass in several areas. I spread the seed IMG_0282and add some potting soil IMG_0272from this bag that Sampson tore up earlier in the Spring.   Next I cover the hole with chicken wire and stake it down. IMG_0283  Then I put a chaise lounge IMG_0284over it without the cushion to let the sun in.   Hopefully once the grass grows in I can remove the furniture and the chicken wire and maybe, just maybe he’ll let me enjoy the backyard without holes.

Rodaw, – Jeffa


What shall I do when I grow up? Pt. 2

This is part 2 of x see: for Pt. 1.

I went back on August 4, 2009 for a visit with the councilor I began this journey with at Spokane Community College.

He printed out two reports for me. A “Myers-Briggs Type Indicator” and a “Strong Interest Inventory” We spoke about this briefly, I asked a couple questions regarding specific classes and a general question about age demographics relative to day or evening classes. I came away not a lot more informed but knowing I was on the trail and exploring where and how to learn about learning.

Thoughts on the two tests

Interesting to take, and worth my time. Pretty much told me what I know about myself. I remember as I took the tests thinking how my answer to this or that question would influence the outcome, and as I review the results I think I was right.

It seemed like many of the questions were about religion. And when displayed in the results were billed as Religion/Spirituality. To me there is a HUGE distinction between the two. I consider myself to be a spiritual person but not religious.

My top five interest areas of interest according to the Strong inventory:

  1. Performing Arts
  2. Science
  3. Writing & Mass Communication
  4. Mechanics & Construction
  5. Computer Hardware & Electronics

Areas of Least Interest

  • Athletics
  • Religion & Spirituality
  • Sales


Well today I went out to another Community College campus here in Spokane, WA. Spokane Falls Community College. So stay tuned for more in the coming days about that.

I’ll publish this rather than save as draft. Perhaps I’ll be able to expand on it. But in the interest of being timely with the reporting I’m going to do I’ll publish and add thoroughness to my ToDo list.

rodaw, jeffa