I scored some used shelving 18” x 36” x 72” for $10 bucks from an onsite auction of a closed furniture store. Space is at a preimum in my house and garage. I wanted to put some wheels on the shelves so I can move them around the garage.

I scored some used shelving 18” x 36” x 72” for $10 bucks from an onsite auction of a closed furniture store. Space is at a preimum in my house and garage. I wanted to put some wheels on the shelves so I can move them around the garage.
After looking around Homedepot and Lowes a few times I wasn’t satisfied with the price, size or color temperature of any of the lighting solutions I saw. Blam, Pow and Zap! DIY to the rescue.
I’ve spent the last week learning about Fritzing to create printed circuit board art work. It’s a cool program with a quick learning curve. You might enjoy this quick video. It’s a great demonstration introduction. (Note: Fritzing is not limited to adduino)
Cool! This test of my second prototype worked. This first prototype didn’t. Not bad for an hour of work and less than five bucks of parts.
Next step accelerometer and or gyroscope. I think I’ll try it with Parallax propeller, netdruino and arduino.
I mounted the motors on the top of stronger spars with a glue gun. Dressed the wires too.
(FYI It’s a mountain Dew)
Although highly unstable I’ve proved to myself that these motors have enough lift to experiment with. If you look closely in the video you will note that two motors on one spar or the spare itself is tilted slightly. Hopefully this can be overcome once I add some sensing and logic to the motor control. This is just motors straight to power supply. Might try warping the spar with some steam. I’ll probably wait until after I add the control electronics.
Great second prototype test proving the motors have enough left to experiment with.