I’ve recently learned to program my first WordPress plugin. (View it with firefox, internet explore does not display corectly if at all) However… wow I duno… I’m gona share some real data about myself and my Dunlops disease.
Tag: Jeffa
Wee Small Hours
October 12, 2010 0408
In the wee small hours I might perceive moments of clarity that fade as I look for pen or keyboard. Perhaps after several, of these perceived moments of clarity in the wee small hours these perceived perceptions of clarity may gather long enough for me to coral a few with paper or computer program to remember or dismember or to distribute to other members and visitors of the wee small hours.
In Lieu of a Disclaimer
Score! I’ve been looking for this. Back the first time I ever read my poetry at a poetry slam. It’s dated 11/2009 I had written a poem to read there I’m Glad I’m Sad and with fear and trepidation I was thinking of what I might mumble for my poor excuse of words when it hit me – why not a poem for the mumbling. Hence the following which is one of two I read that first night. I actually believe that this Google search was the impetus for my start at poetry. Been turning the house upside down for weeks maybe months.
Awakening from a self induced coma
I thought to exercise my mind both left and right – previously wrong
In ceramics throwing I thought to Google “Spokane Pottery”
but English being what it is
and my fingers often dyslexic
Instead I found a broken mike
I mistook for amateur night.
OK well there ya go. c ya… – jeffa
.net Resources
(formerly C# Resources, originally published Jan 13, 2010 @ 22:11 Edit)
Here are some links that I have found useful while learning C#, MSSQL and ASP.NET. Perhaps it’s just a big bookmark for me. These links are gleaned from looking at a lot of google…
I gota get back to this link ASAP
Info on moving .mdf to sql server particularly aspnetdb.mdf
* http://www.4guysfromrolla.com/articles/040506-1.aspx
asp.net login, authentication and authorization
Might be good reference for the BIG cis 258 assignment
MySql stuff
These helped me to learn how to implement and use the MySql connector from mysql.org (sun) The www.geekpedia.com site looked to have many articles on many different programming languages.
SQL Injection
.net gdi+ graphics
Simple mouse and graphics
Great tutorials
www.learnvisualstudio.net has a bunch of video tutorials. I found the site from some Microsoft MSDN video tutorials hosted at learnvisualstudio.net they were free, however most of the others at learvisualstudio.net require a subscription. I think pay up as the quality of the tutorials in my opinion appears to be well worth the subscription price.
I’m sure you know about www.msdn.com but if not it’s well worth a look. And a second look too. With so much information I find it hard to find what I’m looking for. When my searches aren’t working I try to find some different keywords to get to the same information I’m looking for. Sometimes starting at the home for whatever language you are working on.
I copied and pasted these link from Tom’s (.cs/asp.net instructor) ado lecture.
Not categorized
Some insight into visual studio web sites vs web projects. Be sure to read comments.
Check this for asp.net web site administration http://aspnet.4guysfromrolla.com/articles/053007-1.aspx
* Editor’s choice (Hey! That’s me)
Eventually I’ll finish this cis 258 asp.net class at the end of June 2010. As I have no summer classes – Well Weeee! Here are a couple links that looked very intriguing and that I’d like to work through to learn more nifty asp stuff.
Shopping cart with pictures of items tutorial http://www.codeproject.com/KB/database/GridView_order_page.aspx
http://www.dotnetcurry.com/ShowArticle.aspx?ID=107 GridView Tips and Tricks using ASP.NET 2.0
hey below is mostly for me. Reminders and such …
this one is important. I should add this constraint to my CookNook. My fk works but this would enhance it considerably http://www.asp.net/security/tutorials/storing-additional-user-information-cs
http://geekswithblogs.net/mbcrump/Default.aspx Garage Sale Code
http://geekswithblogs.net/mbcrump/archive/2010/05/25/tools-and-utilities-for-the-.net-developer.aspx Tools and Utilities for the .NET Developer
http://www.asp.net/security/tutorials/storing-additional-user-information-cs Storing Additional User Information
http://dotnetguts.blogspot.com/2006/12/databindereval-method.html DataBinder.Eval() Method
http://www.4guysfromrolla.com/articles/072102-1.aspx Customizing DataBinded Output in Templates
jeffa April 4, 2010
If we add together parts of parallax propeller .spin ping and radar. What do we get? Spingdar!
I recently finished a course in .net C# (.cs) at Spokane Community College. So over the spring break, which ends today, I reviewed pingdar from Parallax http://forums.parallax.com/forums/default.aspx?f=6&m=129099 What my programs do is effectively the same however I display the data on a pc using GDI+ in C# on a radar like circular graphics object on a form with a sweeping line and a dot for the location plot. The math is done in the .cs rather than the propeller. I wanted to begin learning about the xbee radios so I utilized them to connect my Stingray with Lynxmotion tilt pan servo assembly to the pc. That’s my dog Sampson under the workbench. He’s my best bud. Above the ping sensor is a TTL micro cam from 4dsystems. I haven’t begun to work on that yet. It’s just sitting in where I think I would like to mount it.
Now about this project and the source code. I had a goal to accomplish a certain amount of functionality. At this point it was just for the learning. I accomplished that goal. The code is not pretty and the entire project isn’t of much use except as a learning experience so keep that in mind if you download the source.
When I have time again this summer I’d like to move on to a phase two of this learning project and enhance the graphics and add probably some code as delegate in .cs. All the graphics and the input data manipulation occur in a serial received data event.
ttl micro camera http://www.4dsystems.com.au/prod.php?id=75 (Hope to make a project out of this real soon!)
Parallax ping sensor http://www.parallax.com/Store/Sensors/ObjectDetection/tabid/176/ProductID/92/List/0/Default.aspx?SortField=ProductName,ProductName
Parallax Stingray Robot http://www.parallax.com/Store/Robots/AllRobots/tabid/755/ProductID/601/List/0/Default.aspx?SortField=ProductName,ProductName
Sampson dogMyDoggieBoy http://not-for-sale.NoWay.jose
pan tilt http://www.lynxmotion.com/Product.aspx?productID=287
Excellent GDI FAQ/Tutorial http://www.bobpowell.net/
…io.ports http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.io.ports.serialport.aspx
Very useful program and informative for general .cs programming techniques and specifically for serial communications in C# http://msmvps.com/blogs/coad/archive/2005/03/23/39466.aspx
Visual Studio 2008 project for spingdar
.spin code for the propeller